第三届CNBM迪拜新能源大会即将举办 参会须知 The 3rd CNBM Dubai New Energy Conference Attendee Information

Posted Date : 2024-10-11


We invite you to join us!
Embracing New Energy - Building a Low Carbon UAE


  • 会议地点Address:迪拜朱美拉棕榈岛 索菲特酒店 Moorea 宴会厅 SOFITEL DUBAI THE PALM Moorea Ballroom 
    会议时间Date of meeting:2024年10月29日14:00-15:00签到,15:00开场
                                                 October 29, 2024   14:00-15:00 check-instart,  15:00 start

  • 指导单位Guidance unit:中国驻阿联酋大使馆经商处 Economic and Commercial Section of the Chinese Embassy in the United Arab Emirates
    主办单位Organizer: 中国建材国际中东北非公司 China National Building Material Group FZE
    大会战略合作伙伴Strategic Partners:美的楼宇科技 · 美的合康新能 Midea Building Technology & Midea Hiconics 

大会介绍 Introduction to the Conference

  • 大会将于2024年10月29日在阿联酋迪拜朱美拉棕榈岛索菲特酒店举办,拟邀请260位嘉宾参会,并邀请阿联酋迪拜亲王,驻阿联酋大使馆经商处,RTA交通运输局,阿布扎比水电公司,国内外大型金融机构,以及中国汽车流通协会、中国国际科技促进会、中国节能协会等相关专业协会会员企业及专家参加,旨在共同解读中东新能源产业政策、研究新能源产业发展趋势、探讨新能源产业海外布局,为参会企业提供智力、金融、属地化等全面支持。
  • The conference will be held on October 29, 2024 at Sofitel Jumeirah Palm Island, Dubai, UAE. 260 guests will be invited to participate in the conference, and the Prince of Dubai, UAE, the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy in the UAE, the Transportation Bureau of the RTA, the Abu Dhabi Electricity and Water Company, domestic and foreign large-scale financial institutions, as well as China Automobile Dealers' Association, the Chinese Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology, the China Energy Conservation Association and other related professional enterprises and experts will be invited to participate in the conference. It aims to interpret the Middle East new energy industry policy, study the development trend of new energy industry, discuss the overseas layout of new energy industry, and provide comprehensive support in intelligence, finance and localization for the participating enterprises.

大会议程 Agenda of the General Assembly

Under revision  ......

14:00~14:55   签到入场+观展 Check-in + Exhibition Viewing

15:00  开场 Opening of the session

15:05~15:35  嘉宾致词  Guest Speaker

15:35~16:10 新能源主题演讲  New Energy Keynote
仕净科技主题演讲、MENA international Investment主题演讲

16:10~16:15  阿联酋迪拜亲王发言  Statement by the Prince

16:15~16:25  签约授牌仪式  Signing and Awarding Ceremony

16:25~16:30  合影留念 会议结束   Group photo End of meeting

16:30  媒体采访、就餐  Media interviews, meals

合作伙伴 cooperative partner

战略合作伙伴 Strategic Partners

美的楼宇科技 · 美的合康新能 Midea Building Tech.

大会高级合作商 General Assembly Senior Partner 

宁波欧达光电 Ningbo Osda Solar Co.,Ltd

 大会合作商  Conference Partners





本届大会媒体支持单位 Media Supporters of the Conference



本届大会支持单位 Supporting Organizations of the Conference






大会背景 Summary of the meeting

  • 今年是中国与阿联酋建交40周年,中阿正在持续坚定的双向奔赴,合作紧密对接,立足中阿、着眼全球探讨合作、开拓市场,在贸易、新能源、旅游等领域合作是高质量共建“一带一路”的新机遇第三届CNBM迪拜新能源大会,将是中国建材发挥央企平台优势,履行国家级平台责任义务,为中国新能源行业发起的又一次集体宣传。之前的大会已为合力叉车、AGG发电机等中国优秀企业“走出去”起到了很好的效果,我们诚挚邀请您共襄盛举,共同推动更多我国优秀的新能源产品在当地市场的推广、落地和应用。
  • This year is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United Arab Emirates, China and the UAE are continuing to run firmly in both directions, cooperation is closely aligned, based on China and the UAE, focusing on the global exploration of cooperation, market development, cooperation in trade, new energy, tourism and other fields is a new opportunity for high-quality co-construction of the “One Belt, One Road”. The 3rd CNBM Dubai New Energy Conference will be another collective publicity for China's new energy industry, with CNBM playing the advantages of a central enterprise platform and fulfilling the responsibility of a national platform. The previous conference has played a very good effect for Chinese excellent enterprises such as HELI forklift, AGG generator, etc. We sincerely invite you to join us in this grand event, and jointly promote the promotion, landing and application of more excellent new energy products of China in the local market.

  • 中国建材国际中东北非公司(China National Building Material Group FZE)于2004年在阿联酋迪拜杰贝阿里自由区注册成立,目前拥有4个保税区仓库,20万平米仓储面积,自2013年起,通过开展一系列海外仓业务,已帮助上百家国内厂商实现了海外仓储、现货销售,低成本、高效率地开发中东非洲市场。目前海外仓涵盖基础建材、新能源产品、油气产品、通讯产品、车辆等业务,拥有较高的市场知名度和广泛的客户群体。近年来,先后与河北、北京、山东、广东等省市商务主管部门签署海外仓合作协议,并于2019年被国家商务部认定为“首批国家级国际营销服务公共平台”。
  • CNBM-FZE (China National Building Material Group FZE) was registered and established in 2004 in Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, UAE, and currently has 4 bonded warehouses and 200,000 square meters of storage area. Since 2013, through carrying out a series of overseas warehouse business, it has helped hundreds of domestic manufacturers to realize Since 2013, through a series of overseas warehouse business, we have helped hundreds of domestic manufacturers realize overseas warehousing and spot sales, and develop the Middle East and Africa market with low cost and high efficiency. At present, the overseas warehouse covers basic building materials, new energy products, oil and gas products, communication products, vehicles and other businesses, with high market visibility and a wide range of customer groups. In recent years, it has signed cooperation agreements on overseas warehouses with the commerce authorities of Hebei, Beijing, Shandong, Guangdong and other provinces and cities, and was recognized by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China as the “first batch of national public platforms for international marketing services” in 2019.
  • CNBM迪拜新能源大会专注新能源领域,致力于推介中国优秀的新能源汽车、光伏发电、新型储能、充电设备、5G通讯、氢能制造与应用等相关产品,自设立以来受到宁德时代、隆基绿能、美的集团、鼎桥通信、中材科技等行业龙头的高度认可,以及阿联酋政府、驻阿使领馆领导的大力支持,时任驻迪拜总领事视频出席第一届大会,现任驻阿联酋大使馆经商参赞现场出席第二届大会,并得到央视、新华网、经济日报、人民网等官方媒体的宣传报道。
  • CNBM Dubai New Energy Conference focuses on the field of new energy and is dedicated to promoting China's outstanding new energy vehicles, photovoltaic power generation, new energy storage, charging equipment, 5G communication, hydrogen energy manufacturing and application and other related products. Since its establishment, it has been highly recognized by industry leaders such as Ningde Times, LONGi Green Energy, Midea Group, Tingqiao Telecom and Sinoma Science & Technology, as well as the support of the government of the United Arab Emirates and leaders of the embassy and consulates in the UAE. The then Consul General in Dubai attended the first conference by video, and the current Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy in the UAE attended the second conference on site, and was publicized and reported by CCTV, Xinhua, Economic Daily News, People's Daily and other official media.

媒介与宣传 Media and publicity

  • 依据各级合作商选配:战略合作伙伴、金牌合作商、高级合作商
  • 媒体支持:央视频、人民网、经济日报、新华网等官媒,阿联酋当地媒体、华人社区媒体、中国建材集团各级公众号、各合作伙伴网站、国内多家大平台转载,Facebook等自媒体各平台等;
  • 现场物料:展台展位、手提袋、工作证、咨询台、LED屏广告视频轮播、签名墙、道旗吊旗、指示牌、桌面立牌、伴手礼等;
  • 网站及平台在线展示:官方网站横幅banner、大会专题页面合作商品牌展示、免费SINOPRO线上展厅,大会现场视频采访、大会展位现场照片、专访视频、专访图文等;
  • 请大会各合作企业、合作展商代表,直接与组委会或中国建材国际中东北非公司人员联系,相关合作均需签署协议合同。
  • According to the selection of partners at all levels: strategic partners, gold medal partners, senior partners.
  • Media publicity: Central video, People's Daily, Economic Daily, Xinhua News and other official media, local media in the UAE, Chinese community media, China National Building Material Group's public number at all levels, each partner's website, a number of domestic platforms reproduced on Facebook and other self-media platforms and so on;

  • On-site materials: exhibition booths, handbags, work permits, consulting desk, LED screen advertising video rotation, signature wall, flag hanging flag, signage, desktop standing signs, accompanying gifts, etc;

  • Website and platform online display: official website banner banner, the conference thematic page cooperative brand display, top company profile, free SINOPRO online exhibition hall, the conference on-site video interviews, the conference booth on-site photos, interview videos, interviews, and other graphics;

  • Please contact the organizing committee directly with the representatives of each cooperative enterprise and cooperative exhibitor, and sign the agreement contract for all relevant cooperation.

大会联系方式 Congress Contacts

  • 有关上台路演企业/合作商/参会代表/考察团,正在报名中,请及时与我们联系索取大会资料。For on-stage roadshow companies/partners/delegates/tour groups, registration is underway, please contact us in time for the conference information.
    会议官方邮箱E-mail: infouae@cnbmoverseas.com
  • 合作商/考察团联系方式Partner/tour contact information::
    00971 503351937 苏经理(新能源)
    00971 505282913 马经理(车辆)
    00971 586940506 郭经理(考察团)
  • 会务组统筹安排The conference services team coordinates the arrangements:
    00971 503351937(苏经理)
