MEG -More Effective Grounding
Kumwell MEG is a ground enhancement material in accordance with requirements of IEEE Standard 80-2013 with a resistivity of 0.03 -m. Dose not dissolve, decompose and leach out by water. Dose not leaching any toxic, sulfur and other environmental regulation substance. MEG manufacturing is environmentally - friendly, high reliability, quality, and long shelf life.
Kumwell MEG is an alternate solution for effectively reducing ground resistance of the soil surrounding the electrode instead of adding more grid conductors or more ground rods. Soil Treatment is an effective solution to decrease ground resistance which is utilized to an advantage in poor conductive area such as rocky soil.
A Superior conductive material that improves grounding effectiveness, are a solution for special case grounding that is high resistivity soil and hard to improve, limited area, mountain area, arid area. In such case, soil treatment by Kumwell MEG
MEG is an earthing enhancing compound tested, according to IEC 62561-7 certified by DEKRA and the application is in accordance with requirements of IEEE standard 80-2013 with an extreme low resistivity 0.03 Ohm-m. (After Fully Cured)
MEG contains Portland cement, which sets within hours and fully cured within 28 days, to become a highly conductive concrete that performs in all soil conditions irrespective of the presence of water
MEG is also the answer in situations where ground rods can’t be driven or where limited land area makes adequate grounding difficult with conventional methods.
MEG is maintains a constant level of superior performance once cured that will not diminish over the life of the grounding system.
25 Kgs
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